3 LOGARITHMS AND EXPONENTIALS 85 We first prove a lemma: ( For any x > 0, there is an integer m (positive or negative) such Suppose first x ^ 1. The sequence (an) is strictly increasing. If we had an < x for all integers n>Q, then (by (4.2.1 ) and (3 .1 5.4)) b = lim an = sup a11 n-*oo n would be finite, > 1 and ^x; but we can write b = lim an + i = a -Urn a11 n-+oo jj~*oo by (4.1.2), hence b = ab, which contradicts the assumption a > 1. Therefore there is an integer n such that x > a"; take m + 1 as the smallest of these inte- gers. If on the contrary 0 < x < 1, then x~l > 1, and if am < Jt"1 ^am + \ we have a'(m+1) < x < 0 and any integer n (positive or negative), and in particular f(an) = n. More- over, if am ^ x" < am+\ we must have f(am} 0, are equivalent relations (2.2.13)), we must have f(x) = sup Ax , which shows / is unique. To prove the existence of /, it remains to prove that the mapping /: ^-j-supAjc verifies all our conditions. Let x and y be any two elements of R* ; for any integer n ^ 1, let m, m' be such that am < x" < am+l and am' < / ^ am' + 1 ; from these relations it follows that am+m> < (xy)n ^am+m' + 2; hence we have m „, v m + 1 m' „, , m' + 1 n n n m + m' m + m'4-2 - ) ^ - , and also m + m' + 2 —j^-